5月もエラーカテゴリー別ではWrong Wordsが最も多く、さらにOmissionやAdditionがこれまでと比べて多い印象を受けました。Compliance Errorも引き続き発生しています。Gengoスタイルガイドや依頼者のグロッサリー・指示をしっかり確認しましょう。その他、敬語のエラーや表記の不統一によるエラーも目につきました。この投稿ではOmission、Addition、敬語のエラーを取り上げたいと思います。
原文:I do a lot of laundry, so I was going through so many plastic bottles of laundry detergent, so these detergent sheets in the recycled-paper packaging are also really amazing.
解説:2つめのso以下がすべて抜けてしまっていますね。このように文全体を訳し忘れているもの、段落がひとつ抜け落ちているものなど、5月は比較的大きなOmissionのエラーが発生していました。GW明けで集中するのがなかなか難しかったのかもしれませんね。そんな時でも見直しは抜かりなく行いましょう。「翻訳 見直し コツ」でGoogle検索すると出てくるのがこちらのGengoの『見直しの技術』です。見直しのプロセスやコツがわかりやすくまとめられており、便利なチェックリストも載っていますので、ぜひ一度目を通してみてください。見直しの技術を磨いて翻訳の質を高めましょう。
原文:The police knew very well who he was.
原文:I tried to access the shop account ID to see why it was disapproved, and I realized that the account was suspended.
解説:こちらは依頼者から「敬語で」との指示があったため、エラーになりました。エラーカテゴリーはCompliance Errorです。お客様に送るメールの言葉遣いとして、「確認しようとしたら」は丁寧さが足りませんね。「確認しようといたしましたが」と訳してもいいと思います。これ以外には、お客様宛のメールの文末の「Kind regards,」を「敬具」と訳しているものもありました。「敬具」はかならず「拝啓」と一緒に使う必要があり、また一般的にメールではあまり使われません。「よろしくお願いいたします」などと訳すのが間違いないと思います。
Cambridge Dictionaryで確認したところ、「accreditation」には以下の意味があるようです。
"the fact of being officially recognized, accepted, or approved of, or the act of officially recognizing, accepting, or approving of something"
You've misunderstood what "recognize" means in that definition. It does not mean "to acknowledge," "be aware of," or "know about the existence of."
"Recognize" here means "to formally grant credit or authority in an official and public capacity," as in:
1. "The university recognized him for his achievements by giving him a medal."
2. "They recognized the donor's contributions by installing a plaque in his name."
This is used when someone is decorated, given an official position or title, or otherwise accorded some status in a public manner.
The term comes from French and carries the meaning of granting a party official authority or, as the etymology implies, "credit," as in monetary creditworthiness, which as synonymous with trustworthiness.
It does NOT mean "notice" or "know about." For example, we do not say that "The police accredited America's most wanted criminals."
We would also not say that "The cybersecurity center accredited the new vulnerability." This is wrong, wrong, a thousand times wrong.
Being "officially recognized" does not mean "somebody important knows about this." Recognize is a more formal term for "decorate" or "impart official status," as in, "to decorate someone with a medal."
"The Academy recognized the director with a lifetime achievement award."
= The Academy formally elevated the director's status as a reward for meritorious achievements
Accreditation only carries these meanings:
1. To give official authorization to or approval of
A. To provide with credentials especially ("To send an envoy with letters of accreditation")
B. To recognize or vouch for as conforming with a standard ("The program was accredited by the American Dental Association.")
C. (In the sense of a university) to recognize as maintaining standards that qualify the graduates for admission to higher or more specialized institutions or for professional practice
2. To consider or recognize as outstanding ("An accredited scientist")
You've also misunderstood the meaning of the word "fact" in the example you provided. "The fact of being officially recognized" does not mean "There was a fact that was known about." It is a construction used in dictionary entries that means, "The state or status of being officially recognized." This sentence cannot be reconstructed to change the position of the word "fact."
Examples of "accreditation from the police" in actual usage only referred to cases like journalists or institutes requiring formal authorization from police bodies/academies, i.e., receiving the imprimatur or seal of approval from the police that one is "authorized" to operate in a certain capacity and say "We are doing this with the formal approval of the police."
There is another phrase, "to accredit to," which means "to ascribe a certain causal relationship to something," but it is not used pejoratively. It is used in a positive context, as below:
"We accredit our success to investing early."
"We accredit the Internet with getting kids interested in computers."
"I did some of the work, but I accredit the success of the album to the producer's work in the studio."
It is chiefly used as a fixed phrase with "accredit [the success of X] to [Y]."