Hello, welcome back to our Food Lovers’ Corner!


Our feature for the last month of 2023 is about the food ideas for year end parties. You can check out our post here.

For the first one in 2024, it would be about pies. Are you curious why?

Well, this month we celebrated National Pie Day. Although there is also another date for this event in December, the most popular date is January 23rd. This dish is undeniably versatile, as you can have it as a savory meal or dessert.

In our corner, we will share random facts that you might or might not know about pies.

  • Pies can be traced back to 6000 BC.
  • There’s a town called Pie Town in New Mexico, USA.
  • The largest meat pie made weighed in at 10,540kg.
  • The Romans published the first pie recipe.
  • The world’s most expensive pie is worth $9,500.

Bonus: Want to know your pie personality?

  • Apple Pie: Independent, realistic, and compassionate
  • Pecan Pie: Thoughtful and analytical
  • Chocolate Pie: Loving
  • Pumpkin Pie: Funny and Independent

Do you agree with your pie personality? It's sad that there's no meat pie there. Pie is truly a marvelous dish for everyone. What's your favorite pie?

Please let us know, and let's all have a great chat in the comments!

