I recently registered with gengo and have compleded a few jobs. Does anyone now how to handle taxes in Sweden?


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    Ida Hägglund

    I can assume you get your full salary from Gengo. Since they aren't based in Sweden, they do not pay your taxes for you. So, you'll get a 100% of your salary and pay the taxes on your own through Skatteverket. 
    I'm not completely sure about this, but this is what I assume. If you're uncertain you should call Skatteverket and explain the situation. They will know what to do.



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    Ok. So that means that I have to pay taxes and social fees from the salary? Nothing extra for social fees? That would mean that about 50% will go to tax.

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    Ida Hägglund

    That doesn't sound right. You don't pay 50% taxes normally... unless you rake in 200 000 SEK a month that is. I'd recommend you to call Skatteverket and ask them.  0771–567 567
    I didn't consider the social fees. They are usually paid by the employer, right? 

    That page say that the employer normally pays the social fees. 

    But on this page: http://www.skatteverket.se/privat/skatter/arbeteinkomst/internationellainkomster/lonfranutlandskaarbetsgivare/socialavgifter.4.4c6191e3115d2ea500880001183.html

    ...it says that unless you work in Sweden for a foreign based company for more than two consecutive years, they will not pay social fees. 

    I believe that being a translator online may be a bit of a grey zone. Maybe it's classified as additional income from hobbies etc.? In that case you should just pay your taxes as you normally would. No social fees? 
    Gosh... I'm left with more questions now than when I began looking into this...

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    Sure, 50% is more than normal. I meant with the inclusion of social fees. These would normally be paid by the employer, as you say, but if Gengo does not pay the fees I have to (?) and then I guess they have to come out of my salary. I think I'll try and call Skatteverket next week.

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    Have you talked to skatteverket? I'm also wondering how to deal with taxes.

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    Not yet, no. Too lazy :)

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    Anna N.

    With crowdsourcing jobs it's problematic.

    If you have a business (registered for F-tax), it's intäkter. But I don't have a business. I talked with them at some  point and for last year I declared income from USA. I added it under "Inkomst av tjänst" With the additional information that it was payment for translation assignments. I got kvarskatt (normal tax not 50 %).

    There is something called Särskild A-skatt, if you're not registered for F-tax. But so far the tax authorities haven't complained that I must register for F-tax, they just want kvarskatt, like I said. My income was very modest and appr. half of it was from my Swedish part time job.

    Hopefully I will eventually start getting better paid jobs.

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    So if I understand it correctly, you didn't pay any tax until declaring your income, and then paid it as kvarskatt?

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    Anna N.

    Yes I will pay it as kvarstående skatt. Will have to pay it before November 15.

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    Hello Martin,


    I realise that this is an old post, but I thought one had to fix this before starting with Gengo. At least I had to do that, i.e. fill in a US tax form for witholding tax in the US. I even have a section for 'Taxpayer status' under 'Account settings' on my Gengo settings page.



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    Lara Fernandez

    Hi Gunnar,

    The tax forms our translators fill out and complete when signing up for our platform are used solely to fulfill Gengo's requirements under U.S. federal tax law. 

    Each translator is held responsible to take appropriate action to file taxes in their own country as an independent contractor according to your local laws.



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    I know, but it just seemed form the above discussion that he was not aware of the US procedure.





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    Lara Fernandez

    Hi Gunnar, 

    The OP was indeed asking about how to declare taxes in his own country, Sweden, which I believe he is bound by law to do :)

    As explained above, having filled out Gengo's tax forms is unrelated to this issue - translators are held responsible to comply with their local tax laws.

    Thank you for your understanding,

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    Hi! Do we use English solely in this Swedish forum? 

    I hop You Martin today know what to do. Depending on how much You earn. If it may count as a hobby or if You need to register an enterprise. There is more to read on the website "Skatteverket".
    I can only tell You on my behalf. I have a sole enterprise registered. Today it is pretty easy to do on "Bolagsverket" or "Verksamt.se" and apply for tax registration at "Skattemyndigheten".
    This means that I pay a social tax (usually around 30%) and tax; municipal and state when over a tipping point. I can hardly earn that much on this job. Added on that is VAT, which in this case I do not know how to adress - it is left to find out.

    Hej! Talar vi bara engelska i det här svenska forumet?
    Jag hoppas att du Martin har kommit underfund med hur du ska göra. Beroende på hur mycket du tjänar. Om det kan räknas som hobbyverksamhet eller om du behöver registrera firma. Ja, det står mer om det på skatteverkets nätplats.
    För min del har jag en enskild firma registrerad. Idag kan man göra det rätt enkelt på bolagsverket eller verksamt.se och därefter ansöka om att bli skatteregistrerad på Skatteverket. Därefter betalar jag sociala avgifter (brukar vara ca 30% ) samt skatt; kommunal samt statlig om jag skulle tjäna över brytpunkten. Så mycket tror jag inte jag har möjlighet att få in. Till det kommer att betala moms. Vad momssatsen (VAT) är i det här fallet vet jag inte, utan det återstår för mig att ta reda på.

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    Visserligen är tråden två år gammal men ...

    Hi! Do we use English solely in this Swedish forum? 

    I hop You Martin today know what to do. Depending on how much You earn. If it may count as a hobby or if You need to register an enterprise. There is more to read on the website "Skatteverket".
    I can only tell You on my behalf. I have a sole enterprise registered. Today it is pretty easy to do on "Bolagsverket" or "Verksamt.se" and apply for tax registration at "Skattemyndigheten".
    This means that I pay a social tax (usually around 30%) and tax; municipal and state when over a tipping point. I can hardly earn that much on this job. Added on that is VAT, which in this case I do not know how to adress - it is left to find out.

    Hej! Talar vi bara engelska i det här svenska forumet?
    Jag hoppas att du Martin har kommit underfund med hur du ska göra. Beroende på hur mycket du tjänar. Om det kan räknas som hobbyverksamhet eller om du behöver registrera firma. Ja, det står mer om det på skatteverkets nätplats.
    För min del har jag en enskild firma registrerad. Idag kan man göra det rätt enkelt på bolagsverket eller verksamt.se och därefter ansöka om att bli skatteregistrerad på Skatteverket. Därefter betalar jag sociala avgifter (brukar vara ca 30% ) samt skatt; kommunal samt statlig om jag skulle tjäna över brytpunkten. Så mycket tror jag inte jag har möjlighet att få in. Till det kommer att betala moms. Vad momssatsen (VAT) är i det här fallet vet jag inte, utan det återstår för mig att ta reda på.

  • 0

    Visserligen är tråden två år gammal men ...

    Hi! Do we use English solely in this Swedish forum? 

    I hope You Martin today know what to do. Depending on how much You earn. If it may count as a hobby or if You need to register an enterprise. There is more to read on the website "Skatteverket".
    I can only tell You on my behalf. I have a sole enterprise registered. Today it is pretty easy to do on "Bolagsverket" or "Verksamt.se" and apply for tax registration at "Skattemyndigheten".
    This means that I pay a social tax (usually around 30%) and tax; municipal and state when over a tipping point. I can hardly earn that much on this job. Added on that is VAT, which in this case I do not know how to adress - it is left to find out.

    Hej! Talar vi bara engelska i det här svenska forumet?
    Jag hoppas att du Martin har kommit underfund med hur du ska göra. Beroende på hur mycket du tjänar. Om det kan räknas som hobbyverksamhet eller om du behöver registrera firma. Ja, det står mer om det på skatteverkets nätplats.
    För min del har jag en enskild firma registrerad. Idag kan man göra det rätt enkelt på bolagsverket eller verksamt.se och därefter ansöka om att bli skatteregistrerad på Skatteverket. Därefter betalar jag sociala avgifter (brukar vara ca 30% ) samt skatt; kommunal samt statlig om jag skulle tjäna över brytpunkten. Så mycket tror jag inte jag har möjlighet att få in. Till det kommer att betala moms. Vad momssatsen (VAT) är i det här fallet vet jag inte, utan det återstår för mig att ta reda på.

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    Jag fortsätter den här tråden med ytterligare en fråga - är det någon som vet hur det fungerar med moms om man har eget företag och jobbar med översättningar här på Gengo? Ska svensk moms betalas eller inte? Jag blir smått förvirrad av Skatteverkets alla regler och undantag haha, men jag tänker att någon här kanske har erfarenhet av eget företag och översättningsjobb från utländska företag?



