Hello every one,

today when i was watching Smallville i saw a band using guitar and  it came to my mind that this word originated from the Arabic word "قيثارة" which was a musical instrument used in Andalus, and that led to the idea that there are many words in English originated from Arabic word and vice versa.

So here is some English words originated from Arabic.

قرمزي ... Crimson
قطن ... Cotton
الأكسير ...Elixir
زرافه ... giraffe
غزال ... Gazelle
ياسمين ... Jasmine
جره ... Jar
ليمون ... Lemon
مسك ... Musk
موميا ... Mummy
زعفران ... Saffron
سكر ... Sugar
طلسم ... Talisman
تمر هندي ... Tamarind
طاس ... Tass
عطار ... Attar
الكحول... alcohol
قطن ... cotton‏

the  numbers that used in English  are Arabic  1,2,3,........

On the other hand there are many word in Arabic originated from  English like


laptop...... لاب توب

Walkman........واك مان




So you must know a lot of these words or you could see them in the texts you translate here in "Gengo",  it would be nice to share these words so we all could know it.


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    Mohamed Yehia

    Hello Hazem, 

    Thank you for bringing this topic up, I really find it useful to know about some or most of these words, and as we always say: translation is not only about converting a text from a source to a target, it's about knowing and understanding what is in this text so that we can produce a correct and accurate target text as well.
