Hi all - the changes in score calculations are due to changes in the formula (different from the GoCheck overhaul) that have been implemented today. I will be sending an email out to all our translators in a few hours. Thank you for your patience!
Ch'ü Tsê-t'ien
@Lara Fernandez
Thanks for the reply, Lara!
But that’s not the problem I’ve encountered. As far as I know, and as one of the technical support of gengo has told me, what I encountered with is the scorecard of mine has suddenly chosen to show the scores of another language pair (EN > ZH-TW) of mine of which my qualification was revoked long before. The revoke happened about almost two years ago, and after that, I have only one qualified language pair (EN > ZH). I’ve been working on this very pair since then, and the scorecard of mine has then been showing the scores of my current language pair correctly all the way long—until this afternoon (GMT+8). They’ve told me that they’d investigate in this and will get back to me later. So, I reckon now I can do nothing but wait out. (Nothing affected, though. I can still continue my translating at gengo and they’ve also told me that the scores of my current language pair were kept intact in the database, just I cannot see it for the time being.)
Lara Fernandez
Thanks for clarifying, Ch'ü Tsê-t'ien. Please keep me posted if the error persists. Regardless, you're bound to see further changes to your score soon, so please keep that in mind as well :)
Until now, my scorecard still shows the scores of my long-be-revoked ‘ex’–language pair. I still cannot see the scores of my only language pair that I am currently working on with. Maybe I am worried too much, yet I feel that the extremely low scores of my long-be-revoked ‘ex’–language pair have started to affect my accessibility to gengo jobs now. And I haven’t received any further reply from the support team since yesterday afternoon.
Basically, from here on out, what you see on your scorecard is not your average for that pair. Instead, it is your consistency score. You can read more about that here.
That said, you're also looking at the consistency score for your first language pair. Your actual consistency score for EN>ZH is a [[[x.yz]]].
I know this might be quite a lot to take in, but for now just know this: -Quality score is [[[n.m]]] -Consistency score is [[[x.y]]]
另外今天下午收到了一封标题为〈Our GoCheck system is undergoing an overhaul!〉的邮件。但是似乎只是解释了审阅机制的改变,并没有提及对之前的分数做出变动的事情?
补注:从译员个人资料页面(也即 /hire/ 下的那些)上来看目前倒还是 9.9. 所以大家有没有类似的情况啊,现在很慌!
在这里发帖也没人回,递 ticket 也没人回……这是怎么了……
楼主先别慌,感觉应该是系统问题,怎么算也不至于算出差这么多的分数吧?反正你也递了 TICKET 了,就再等等看吧?别太担心啦~~
感谢 @haruko 的安慰!
Hi all - the changes in score calculations are due to changes in the formula (different from the GoCheck overhaul) that have been implemented today. I will be sending an email out to all our translators in a few hours. Thank you for your patience!
@Lara Fernandez
Thanks for the reply, Lara!
But that’s not the problem I’ve encountered. As far as I know, and as one of the technical support of gengo has told me, what I encountered with is the scorecard of mine has suddenly chosen to show the scores of another language pair (EN > ZH-TW) of mine of which my qualification was revoked long before. The revoke happened about almost two years ago, and after that, I have only one qualified language pair (EN > ZH). I’ve been working on this very pair since then, and the scorecard of mine has then been showing the scores of my current language pair correctly all the way long—until this afternoon (GMT+8). They’ve told me that they’d investigate in this and will get back to me later. So, I reckon now I can do nothing but wait out. (Nothing affected, though. I can still continue my translating at gengo and they’ve also told me that the scores of my current language pair were kept intact in the database, just I cannot see it for the time being.)
Thanks for clarifying, Ch'ü Tsê-t'ien. Please keep me posted if the error persists. Regardless, you're bound to see further changes to your score soon, so please keep that in mind as well :)
consistency score 好像会让每个人的分都变低除非你从来没得过10以外的分数
我两年前就被 revoke 的 EN > ZH (TW) 的分从 7.2 变到了 4.8. 不过这个本来不打紧,反正已经 revoke 了,不能再 revoke 一次。
但我的 scorecard 上至今仍然显示着这个两年前就被 revoke 的语言对的得分。(“至今”的意思是,从昨天下午的某个时间开始突然间就不显示我目前的语言对的评分而是现实这个被 revoke 了两年的语言对的评分,并且“至今”没有恢复。)感觉已经影响到我接单了。几乎什么单子都接不到。
明明我的 EN > ZH 的语言对(也是我两年来至今唯一 qualified 的语言对)的评分(如果 /hire/ 下面的 profile 页面上的分数是实时更新的话)现在仍然是 9.9 啊。(我现在无法从 scorecard 上看到我当前语言对的评分,所以能否烦请大家看看自己的 Profile 页面上的分数有没有跟着变?我好心里有个数……因为看样子大家都降了不少,我担心我的也降了只是 Profile 页面更新过慢我还不知道……)
@Lara Fernandez
Until now, my scorecard still shows the scores of my long-be-revoked ‘ex’–language pair. I still cannot see the scores of my only language pair that I am currently working on with. Maybe I am worried too much, yet I feel that the extremely low scores of my long-be-revoked ‘ex’–language pair have started to affect my accessibility to gengo jobs now. And I haven’t received any further reply from the support team since yesterday afternoon.
@Lily Liu
真是個瞬間令人心梗的訊息 :)
@Lily Liu
@Ch'ü Tsê-t'ien
得分板上分数降了0.5,PROFILE 估计是还没更新,目前还是原样。
是的,我刚刚收到了最新的邮件解释。现在大家的记分板上显示的都是且仅是 consistency score; 现在记分板并不显示 quality score 了。附上相关原文段落如下。(我的个人得分已经略去 :))
Basically, from here on out, what you see on your scorecard is not your average for that pair. Instead, it is your consistency score. You can read more about that here.
That said, you're also looking at the consistency score for your first language pair. Your actual consistency score for EN>ZH is a [[[x.yz]]].
I know this might be quite a lot to take in, but for now just know this:
-Quality score is [[[n.m]]]
-Consistency score is [[[x.y]]]
就我个人而言,我的 consistency score 比 quality score 降了 0.71 分。还算……可以接受。不过今天还是缓缓吧,这 24h 内受到的惊吓过多,我有点担心如果我继续接活的话的译文质量了。
原来如此。所以是有两个分数了?那为什么不标在一起啊,以后要看自己的质量分还要跑到 PROFILE 页面去看?
等官方解释再仔细研究下好了。摸摸楼主,我也觉得,今天就缓缓吧,哈哈 ^ ^
瞬間降兩分+1。原來是之前拿到異常低分導致 Consistency score 大幅降低。
官方给的两组数据我尝试了各种算法发现无法复现,看来不是简单的平均值减方差这样的算法。我个人认为应该是过去的加权平均值减方差(指 var.p(),台湾术语应该叫做「變異量數」?)或减标准差(指 stdev.p(),這個台灣術語怎麼說我已經忘了耶:))的算法。更复杂的就不知道该怎么去猜了。
另外,已废 2 年的第一语言对突然间上了 scorecard 真的不影响我接单吗?我怎么感觉已经接不到单子了呢?系统真的能根据当前在做的语言对的评分来过滤优先级吗?真的不是我那个惨兮兮的 EN > ZH (TW) 的 4.8 在起作用吗???EN > ZH (TW) 我早就被除格了我也没法提升了啊,要是因为它而接不到 EN > ZH 的单子……如果是这样的话我就冤死了啊,我目前引入 consistency score 后的 EN > ZH 的评分也有 9.24 啊。(我为什么可以知道小数点后两位?因为我现在要想查看分数只能递 ticket… 官方说暂时无解,显示哪怕被除格的第一语言对的分数是 by design, 我之前竟然能够一直看到第二语言对得分数才是 bug…)
最新的政策并非是 7 分以下一定被踢了,而是(起码 support 页面上表面上写的是)5 分以下自动踢;5 分到 6 分很危险,官方会密切监视你的接单(也就是进入几乎逢单必审的状态),6 到 7 算是可以、合格,7 分以上为「好」、可以接到更多单子。
就是不知道之前针对英中的两单 quality score < 7 自动踢的政策还有没有了 :)
而且我猜测,之前针对英中的两单 quality score < 7 自动踢的政策也还存在,所以接单一直很谨慎,会在按下start前大概看一看内容(以前都是直接光速抢,因为看一眼的时间,单子就被别人抢走了),有时候翻译到一半还会放弃(但是这又好像违背了gengo某次邮件里说的不要频繁拒单……)
如果说我这突然间冒出来的两年前就被 revoke 的前语言对的分数不影响……我反正有些不信。但官方却说无法解决,只能天天看着这个分数了。