Questo post contiene i risultati dettagliati e le risposte alle domande più frequenti che sono emerse nel questionario online che vi abbiamo chiesto di completare in maggio.  Yes, we know, we wrote this post partly in Italian and partly in English. We are just making sure, you are paying attention. Plus it is good practice.

Are you ready? Let’s go:

A molti traduttori piacciono le Mini Lessons che abbiamo presentato sul Forum Italiano di Gengo nei mesi passati.  [Gengo response: Continueremo con questa attività. Per favore fateci sapere se avete consigli su argomenti utili per Mini Lessons future.]

Le lamentele più comuni sono che:

  1. Le traduzioni vengono prese troppo in fretta. [Gengo response: Purtroppo non possiamo fare nulla a questo riguardo. Esiste una grossa competizione per le traduzioni dall’inglese all’italiano che è dovuta all’elevato numero di traduttori e il volume di traduzioni non elevatissimo]
  2. Le notifiche di nuovi lavori vengono sempre inviate verso le 3 or le 4 del mattino in Italia. [Gengo response: This is based on when customer submit their jobs to the system.]
  3. Molte traduzioni sono molto corte (poche parole). Non vale la pena tradurle perché hanno un valore di soli pochi centesimi e spesso non è chiaro il contesto. [Gengo response: We will work on better educating the customer on grouping jobs together. You can read more about this here: https://support.gengo.com/entries/22082510-Teach-clients-not-to-submit-multiple-few-word-translations?page=1#post_21719810.]]
  4. Translations are not frozen even while a translator is looking at them and they can be taken by somebody else in the meanwhile. [Gengo response: This has now been added to the list of possible future improvements. Thank you for the input.]

Elenchiamo qui sotto le domande e suggerimenti più comuni:

  • Set up a priority ranking, so that, based on the reliability of the translator (set with the existing parameters), these translators get jobs before the others. [Gengo response: Gengo is already considering and is doing some initial work on this possibility. You can read more about this at http://blog.gengo.com/translator-scorecards/.
  • Provide automatic refresh of job page.  [Gengo response: This has now been added to the list of possible future improvements. Thank you for the suggestion.]
  • Provide better RSS feed. [Gengo response: This has now been added to the list of possible future improvements. Thank you for the suggestion.]
  • Offrire ai clienti la possibilità di scegliere un traduttore specifico di cui hanno fiducia in base a traduzioni completate in precedenza. [Gengo response: This is already possible for a customer to do. You can read more about this at https://support.gengo.com/entries/23692571-What-does-preferred-translator-mean-.]
  • Suggerimenti vari su come aumentare il numero di traduzioni. [Gengo response: Sales team has specific staff members dedicated to the US and to Europe. The number of EN>IT jobs has been increasing and is expected to grow even more in the future.]

 Ci auguriamo che le nostre risposte vi siano utili e, come sempre, rimaniamo a vostra disposizione per qualsiasi domanda.

The Gengo EN>IT Team


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    Giuseppe Bellone

    Thank you. :)

    Giuseppe Bellone

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    Actually, that's not true, since a customer cannot choose a "specific translator". They have to select at least two translators for each pair for that feature to work, and even in that case, they can't still select one "specific translator" to carry out a job. Additionally, in many cases, while exchanging comments with the customer, it came out that the customer didn't know about this feature at all, or they asked me if I could translate other copy they were going to post in the future, or thought that the feature worked by selecting at least two translators in general, not for each pair, as it actually is. However, the main point is that, no, customers can't in fact choose a "specific translator they trust based on previous translations he/she previously completed". But even if that were allowed, it would still have its pros and cons.

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