Welcome to our translator bonus programme!  

In February 2022, we launched an exciting new scheme where we pay out an additional bonus to translators who consistently achieve excellent quality (according to the criteria listed below).


How does the quality bonus programme work?  

The programme runs in one-month cycles, and we pay out bonuses at the end of each cycle. The bonus amount is $20 per cycle per language pair.  


Who is eligible for the bonus?  

The translator bonus programme applies to every language pair. In order to receive the bonus in any language pair, you need to:  

  • Maintain a translator score of 9 or higher throughout the cycle
  • Receive at least three GoChecks during the cycle 
  • Not fail any GoChecks during the cycle 

When will the bonus be credited to my account?

The bonus will be credited around the first or second full week of the following month, every Friday. Please wait for the email and credit to appear on your account. Only contact the support team after the second week.


You can read more about how we calculate translator scores here 


IMPORTANT! For those of you who have been with us for a while, it is worth highlighting that in early 2022 we made some changes to how the translator score is calculated, and we hope that these will work in your favour and make it easier for you to get bonuses. 


Before, our translator score calculations considered a translator’s entire history, meaning that low GoCheck scores received a long time ago would be likely to continue to weigh on the overall score. Now, we only consider GoChecks received in the last three years – so if you’ve been translating with us for a long time and have improved substantially since joining, it’s likely that the new calculation will help you to keep your translator score higher. 


Below, you'll find some answers to frequently-asked questions about the translator bonus programme!


What happens if I work in more than one language pair? 

The bonus programme applies to all language pairs, and we consider each language pair separately. This means that if you work in several different language pairs, you will still need to meet all of the above criteria in each individual pair in order to receive the bonus in that pair. (In other words, we don’t ‘average out’ results across all pairs.) 


If you don’t meet the criteria in one language pair, you can still receive the bonus in another language pair, provided that you meet the criteria for that pair.  


Example: You work in EN>ES and EN>ES-LA. You maintain a translator score of 9.5 for both language pairs. In the first cycle of the programme, you receive 3 GoChecks for EN>ES, but only 2 GoChecks for EN>ES-LA. This means that you’ll receive the bonus for EN>ES, but not for EN>ES-LA.  


How can I find out whether I have received the bonus? 

We send out an email announcement once we've added the bonus payment to each person's translator account.  


Why haven’t I received my bonus? 

If you were expecting to receive a bonus but haven’t, please contact support@gengo.com. Our team will be able to look into the situation further and act accordingly.  


I still have questions about the bonus programme! 

If there’s anything that you’re uncertain of, our support team will be happy to look into this further.

Have more questions? Submit a request


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