И как же это следует переводить? Это название программы и не переводится.
Пока горит желтый треугольник невозможно нажать на кнопку submit. Практически каждую вторую работу приходится отклонять из-за неработающей проверки орфографии. Подчеркивает самые неожиданные вещи.
Кто-нибудь с этим сталкивался? Я писала в поддержку, от них никакого толку.
(image removed due to privacy issues)
Hi @Vera,
This is Lara, Gengo Community Manager.
You should be able to click and submit regardless, as the yellow triangle is for Caution and not for Error, just as a prompt for you to double check your work (just in case). In this case, of course you are right, and you shouldn't be translating the name of the product, so you should submit as is. If you encounter issues with this, please contact support@gengo.com for assistance.
On another line, please know that I've removed your screenshot as it showed the customer number as well as part of their original source text. In the future, please remember that Client Materials and Customer Information are to be treated as confidential, as per Section 1 of our Translator Agreement :)
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