Hello. I’ve been here for 2 weeks now, and I didn’t get even one single job. E-mail notifications said that there were about one or two per day. But every time  someone else gets it. Maybe there are too many translators in my language pair and too little jobs? Why are you hiring in that case?


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    Megan Waters

    Hi margaritasal,

    I'm sorry to hear you haven't been able to claim a job yet. Before we decide to hire new translators in any of our language pairs, we look at a number of factors including how many jobs are available as well as how active each translator is in that pair. One reason may be jobs may not be posted when you are awake in your timezone. A RSS feed may help you grab jobs faster. You can read more about claiming jobs here: https://support.gengo.com/entries/23716768-How-do-I-claim-jobs-

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    RSS feed somehow is not working for Opera. 

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    Try RumpelstiltskinRSS: http://rumpelstiltskin.appje.nl/rss/. It should work in any web browser, plus it allows you to filter jobs based on size, level and time of day.

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    Thank you!

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    Alicia L. Alonso

    Alexander:  I have tried to use RumpelstiltskinRSS but it seems to be impossible to create an account. No matter what I enter as user name, it tells me that the username already exists... 

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    Hi Alicia,

    I see what you mean. How this could remain unnoticed for several months is beyond me, but now I have fixed it. Sorry for the inconvenience.

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    Alicia L. Alonso

    Thank you! it works now :)

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    RumpelstiltskinRSS doesn't work again ((

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    Good afternoon !
    I have got a problem. As soon, as I receive new notifications of available collections on my e-mail, there are none of them on the web-site. I can't take up any work, however it's been a long time, since I qualified as a gengo translator. I'm always keeping an eye on the dashboard, but nothing helps. What do I have to change or to do in order to take up a work ?

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    @shnepa96 (May 13, 2015, 02:55) - On https://support.gengo.com/entries/55053384-Tool-for-searching-through-jobs users have reported RumpelstiltskinRSS doesn't produce sound. Apparantly this problem is specific for devices running iOS 6 or later. I'm working on a fix.

    Otherwise I'm not aware of a problem with the software. Perhaps in your pair, just like in many other pairs, there are simply not many jobs per translator. In that case, the only thing you can do is be patient and keep trying.

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    Sorry, wrong link. The discussion about the sound problem is on https://support.gengo.com/entries/63517790-Web-based-dedicated-RSS-reader

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    Oleg V

    Yesterday I received an email informing me that a job was available. Posted below the link to the job was a note that read something like "Over 1700 jobs in your language pair were posted in the last 7 days". Over the same period (the last 7 days) I received maximum 1 or 2 email notices of jobs availability, and maximum 10-15 job notices over the several months that I passed the exam and thus was cleared for taking up jobs here. True, I am at the initial translator proficiency level (by Gengo standards) and have not taken the next level exam (whatever it is called - pro or something) - exactly for this reason - I am  not sure it is worth it.

    The bottom line: Gengo claims over 1700 jobs were available in the last 7 days, while I was notified of 1 or 2. Quite the difference in numbers. Were all the remaining 1699 jobs classified as pro-level only? What should I make of it?



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    Alex V

    Yeah, this new letters surprise me too. That's very strange, it looks like all this jobs exist in emails only.

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    Alex and Silvercloud - In many pairs, email notifications are not a viable option to claim jobs (i.e. jobs tend to be taken as soon as they're posted, so emails are already outdated when they're sent). You should definitely try a RSS reader, as discussed in the previous posts of this thread (and even then picking up jobs might still be a challenge): https://support.gengo.com/entries/23716768-How-do-I-claim-jobs-#rss

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    In most cases RSS gives you absolutely nothing, even you're online for 24 Hrs. But we are talking about some great amounts of job, that's what really interesting.

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    @silvercloud - Since Alex wrote specifically about email notifications, I thought he wasn't using the RSS feed at all. At any rate, if you do use a RSS reader and still can't see any job at all, then yes, that is certainly very weird, especially if we're looking at something like 1,500+ posted jobs per week...

    My pair is much less active than that (on the order of 2/300 jobs per week), but I still get some RSS notification now and then (a fraction of the total amount of jobs reported in the mails). That said, actually getting the jobs is another matter...

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    Oleg V

    And again: a couple of minutes ago received an email notice :collection available" - the only email in about 10 days, and included with the email was this: "In the past seven days, there have been 154 available collections in your language pair." Getting one notice per 154 jobs is something...

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    Hi Alex, is there any possibility that you are not receiving some Gengo e-mails because they are being captured or blocked by a spam filter set up by your e-mail provider?  If 154 e-mails come from Gengo to you in a week, some e-mail providers may just think it is spam, and quit delivering it to you.  I have had several different newsletters that I have subscribed to only arrive periodically, and I discovered that often (but not always) they have been blocked as spam by my provider.  If I add the sender's address to my e-mail contacts, then they no longer get marked as spam ever again.  Sorry if this is too basic or does not apply to you, but it was the first thing I thought of when you said you got only one e-mail out of many sent by Gengo.  Good luck.

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    Today I received an email stating "New translation collections in your language pair are available at Gengo. Standard (1)". However, in my log files I see there were at least 8 collections at that time (14282023, 14282025, 14282026, 14282027, 14282028, 14282029, 14282030, and 14282031). They had all been there already for several minutes, 7 of them were still visible in the minute after the message, and 4 in the minute thereafter. So I wonder how this "(1)" is counted.

    The same message stated "In the past seven days, there have been 171 available collections in your language pair." In my log files, I count 58. That's about 34%.

    In the same seven days period, I received 11 email notifications, each stating there was "(1)" collection.

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    carla m.

    I have given up trying to understand things around here. What's the point in telling me there have been almost 300 collections in my pair if I could barely see 50 of them (and take maybe 4 or 5)? Is that supposed to keep our hopes up? You should have kept the number of translators down...

    P.S.: @Alexander: unfortunately, not even your good little program is able to help, but my son likes the sound it makes ;-)


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    @cm - For the amusement of your son, you could check "Insert dummy job (to trigger demo alert)" in the preferences so RumpelstiltskinRSS will make the sound every minute :-)

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    carla m.

    @Alexander: my son would be entertained, but I would probably get a heart attack! Can you imagine hearing a job alert every minute? I'm just not used to that :-) You should program RumpelstiltskinRSS to make the sound, then say "Naaaa, just kidding!!!" ;-))

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    Got my first job today. A couple of years after I signed up. Banked $0.24 so I'm super happy :) Apparently 47 jobs had been posted in my language pair. I guess I was lucky to see this one e-mail at around 2 am. No other e-mails send during this 7 day period.

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    @Peter - Probably things won't be much better, but try using a RSS reader. That way you *might* have (slightly) better chances of grabbing a job every now and then...

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    Same story here. I only get a letter from Gengo once a week (my RSS settings are "every 5 minutes") and I hardly get any notifications saying a collection is available and quoting there were tons of jobs available in my language pair. However even staying on-line 24/7 and vigorously refreshing the dashboard page doesn't help. Even if I get to see a job available it's gone before you click through all the buttons that take you to the task itself. 

    Anyway, I wrote to support guys and they said it could be due to three reasons
    a) competition in my language pair is outrageos (no surprises here, right?)
    b) because of a) the jobs are often taken before RSS feed notification is generated. Thus the jobs appear in the total count, but don't arrive to your e-mail box
    c) some (I assume) great part of the jobs are assigned to "selected translators" thus you will never see them available, but again they appear in the total jobs count

    Being as positive as I am I still don't see a way to get a job. And Peter.johansson is only proving that - a 0.24 job in two years? Definetely worth all the clicking LOL
    I wish job distribution was more efficient at Gengo. But may be it is. For Gengo :) I don't understand why they keep engaging people and encouraging them to do the tests for language pairs that so overly loaded by desperate performers. 

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    @busybug - "I only get a letter from Gengo once a week (my RSS settings are "every 5 minutes") and I hardly get any notifications saying a collection is available and quoting there were tons of jobs available in my language pair." - Maybe I'm wrong, but judging from what you wrote, it seems you're talking about email notifications, not the RSS feed... Check this out: http://support.gengo.com/entries/23716768-How-do-I-claim-jobs-#rss (also, you should set the polling interval to something like 30-60 seconds)


    "I don't understand why they keep engaging people and encouraging them to do the tests for language pairs that so overly loaded by desperate performers." - Very good question...

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    @mirko "Maybe I'm wrong, but judging from what you wrote, it seems you're talking about email notifications, not the RSS feed..."
    Could be. But support folks checked my account settings and said I did have RSS subcribtion set at 5 minutes interval. May be something just doesn't work the way it's supposed to.


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    @busybug - Well, mine was just an assumption based on what you wrote. With RSS you don't get emails, the notifications don't let you know how many jobs were available in your language pair and "every five minutes" is one of the settings for email notifications in your Gengo account, so I just connected the dots and thought I would let you know, as that might be one of the reasons you aren't getting job notifications. But, be that as it may, 5 minutes is definitely too much for RSS... (at least in overcrowded/less active pairs)

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    This all sounds sad. I think adding of technical translation is necessary. For example, jobs for medical and pharmaceutical translators like me. At this time I don't think I can be useful here :(

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    I'm new here and haven't got any exp but all these comments make me want to get out of here. I was really desperate to get a job here and earn some money and kind of self improvement, i was hoping for getting at least 1 job per day but as i see it now that would be a MIRACLE! I'll wait a bit and see what happens..

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