The context of my question is: I have qualified as a translator for standart-level jobs in the En—Ru pair a couple of days ago and while my pro-level test is pending review, I was unable to find any jobs in this language pair available.
Does Gengo have enough translators in En—Ru and Ru—En language pairs for it to be made available to customes? What is the average number of jobs in these language pairs on Gengo per month? I think that translators absolutely need to be made aware of these numbers while signing up, or at least after certification.
Hello Pavel,
First of all, welcome to the team!
The English-Russian pair is fairly busy, with many jobs being ordered every day. To be alerted about new jobs, you have to make sure you are subscribed to job alerts.
Here's how you can do that:
Please keep in mind that there are many translators vying for those jobs, so you have to respond to a job alert quickly.
Keep at it, check the jobs page often, and I'm sure you will see results very soon. :)
Best wishes,
En>Ru Senior Translator
Natalia, I sympathize with your plight. It is unfortunate and misleading that the prospective translators only become aware of the actual amount of work available only after they register, certify and gain access to this forum or observe the situation for themselves for some moths, losing time in the process.
Marina, I thank you for the kind words, but there really is no need no assume me an tech-ignorant idiot — I have always had instant notifications enabled, and if the amount of them sent to me is any judge, there is hardly a $100 worth of jobs at the Standard level on the En—Ru pair daily, and even this seems to be an overly generous estimate.
P.S. Gengo staff purports to maintain "healthy" jobs-to-translators ratio on the site, I wonder how much that would be, can we see a concrete number they aim for? Some transparency would be good, for a change.
Also, I wonder how often, if at all, the pro jobs occur in the En->Ru pair. Just want to be sure that spending time on taking the pro test will be worth it.
I have the same grievance: after the loooong process of joining the Gengo team I was so disappointed to have no jobs for month after month after month... I remember thinking: "is it a real deal or some spam?" Then thankfully there was some activity and I was able to earn some points. But then again: i wanted to see real money on my bank account to be sure the whole Gengo site is a real deal. It was another looong process. Finally I got my first earnings. Then the job well dried out again. I agree that translators have to know the prospective job load. Good thing this TripAdvisor came along. Hopefully it will make all of us happy. And I was so disappointed in Gengo I almost deleted the email about TripAdvisor without opening it!