Hi all: I'm asking specifically about jobs in DE-EN - having been on Gengo for about a year now, I am surprised there is so little work in DE-EN on this site. Are there jobs that show up, and they're taken by others? Or is there just never any work at all? If not, why not? Every time I check the site (which isn't often anymore, since there's essentially no work here) there are no jobs available.
Are others of you out there ever able to work for this site? Just curious.
Hi Nancy,
I don't know the numbers for DE-EN, but in many language pairs there are far more translators than jobs, so the few jobs that appear are taken within seconds. It's very common to see zero jobs if you check infrequently. The best approach is to use an RSS reader like RumpelstiltskinRSS, be patient, and react quickly in the rare event a job pops up.
Even if you lost confidence, you could still run an RSS reader and check the log files once in a while to get a bit more insight in how many jobs per week there are and at what times of the day they appear. (RumpelstiltskinRSS doesn't log by default, but I could switch on debug mode for your account.)
And in addition to there being too many translators in many (dare I say most) language pairs, they have opened up testing for the majority of language pairs that do exist. Unbelievable!
Among those pairs is German > Dutch, which I'm interested in, but if you try to start the Standard test in that pair, you get "Test unavailable".
I reported this to support, and they said in that pair only tests for Pro and Proofread are opened, so they do not really attract new translators.
@Nancy: Demand in each language pair fluctuates throughout the year. Sometimes a big customer will come along and order millions of units in a few months and other times there is not much work. Unfortunately, we don't have much control over this and just keep trying to consistently get more work in all language pairs. We do realize the job notification email is not great, and we are making changes to it to make it actually help you pick up jobs. This should be released in the next week or so. Also, as Alexander mentioned, RSS feeds do help as well.
@LB Translations: We have only opened up testing in a lot of language pairs for Pro tests. This means that no new translators are being accepted into the system by doing this, and is to encourage Standard-level translators to try get another qualification as, most of the time, there is a lot of work in the Pro tier that translators don't have access to. Thus, they think there is no work.
The Standard-level tests that have been opened are because we are experiencing an increase in volume, or the existing translators are not being active, among some reasons.
I can't tell for Ger>En, but currently there are quite a few jobs in En>Ger and the last month was really good in this language pair. As for being quick enough for getting jobs when they appear, for me there are no notification tools I find useful. I simply always keep an open tab with my Gengo job board and update it every few minutes to see if there is anything new, that way I'm pretty quick in picking up orders.
There are currently no jobs at all in the EN>FR pair :(