[for English-speaking forum member: Common Translation Mistakes in Indonesian]
Berikut ini berbagai kesalahan yang rutin saya jumpai sewaktu mengedit dokumen, terkadang saya melampirkannya untuk klien dan mengedit dengan menandai B3, D1, dan seterusnya.
A. Makna
1. Ada unit teks yang tidak diterjemahkan.
Unit teks: kata/frasa/penggalan kalimat/satu halaman
2. Hasil terjemahan bermakna ambigu.
3. Ada penambahan unit teks di hasil terjemahan yang tidak bersumbangsih dalam menjadikannya terjemahan yang lebih baik.
4. Makna meleset jauh dari yang dimaksud, dikarang-karang sendiri.
B. Tata Bahasa
1. Harus ada koma sebelum ‘dan’ atau ‘atau’ untuk perincian 3 buah atau lebih.
2. Tata bahasa asing digunakan dalam terjemahan.
3. Salah menggunakan kata depan di, seharusnya awalan di-, atau sebaliknya.
C. Tanda Baca dan Ejaan
1. Salah ejaan (contoh: resiko, antri, ijin)
2. Salah memakai huruf kapital (contoh: peran Ibu rumah tangga, ibu Rita, negara indonesia).
3. 2 huruf kapital berurutan (contoh: ANda).
4. Lupa menaruh titik dan koma di tempat yang semestinya.
D. Peristilahan
1. Tidak mematuhi glosarium yang disediakan klien.
2. Tidak menulis nama produk klien dengan contoh penulisan yang diwajibkan.
3. Untuk fiksi, diksi yang dipakai terlalu kaku dan tidak variatif.
E. Kepatuhan
1. Tidak mematuhi pedoman gaya penulisan yang disediakan klien, sebaiknya sertakan bagian mana yang dilanggar.
2. Tidak mematuhi instruksi yang disediakan klien atau kesepakatan yang dijabarkan dalam komunikasi yang terdokumentasi.
F. Lain-lain
1. Berlebihan memakai kata “Anda” sebagai substitusi penggunaan “your” yang tercermin di struktur bahasa Inggris
2. Penggunaan kata-kata yang sama untuk kata-kata yang berbeda di teks asal, terjemahan menjadi tidak luwes.
3. Untuk fiksi, bahasa yang dipakai tidak mengalir dan tidak natural.
Semoga bermanfaat, bila ada yang ingin ditambahkan atau dikoreksi silakan balas dengan masukan Anda.
Hi Anthony,
Thanks. I am not yet a Proofread-level Translator, the first test I did was rejected, I was not as careful as I hoped to be. Will try again when I finished a translation project on 18th.
Hi Anthony,
I think it's because of the system used for this subdomain. Yesterday I can see your full name here and now it's back to your username.
I also think the Proofread test environment is not sufficient for the test. For longer text, it's hard to type the lower text because the UI keep defaulting to show the top part of the text, and IMHO, proofread should involve open and clear communication, where translator can learn where their mistakes and why the proofreader mark those as mistakes, thus I want
1. a better UI for typing into target text being proofread
2. another column for us to put comments
Hopefully I will remember (when I have the time) to send this suggestion to Gengo/Natalia. :-)
All the best for yours as well.
Hi Anthony,
I saw it a few minutes ago. Good work! Hopefully you will start building it further?
I wish we can beautify it, like Gengo resources. ;-)
Hi, Selvi, I'm a new translator. My name is Nerissa .Nice to meet you. :) This article is very helpful. But,by the way, may I ask something?did u directly get a job when you first become a translator?If yes, did Gengo sent you a message or a notification?thanks before :)
Hi Nerissa,
Nice to meet you too. There are many translators in this language pair, so I don't always get a job when I first passed the test. Gengo will send job alerts to your email, and you have to be quick to be able to snatch the job. I am quite occupied with other activities myself, so I am not always available to take on jobs from Gengo. For a professional, the pay here is very low, which is why I prioritize job elsewhere.
But I like Gengo honesty in revealing their payment policy, their market positioning, and how they communicate with vendors/clients about what to expect in terms of quality, which is in line with the payment.
I would also like to remind you to write properly in the forum, blog, or mailing lists, because future clients may searched your name in search engines and sloppy writing will deter them from hiring you.
Hi Anthony,
Thank you for answering Nerissa's question.
On RSS: If you put the RSS URL in a RSS app or web app like feedly.com, you'll be able to receive job notifications in the form of blog entries. In the phone/web app itself, you can set notification to pop up in your screen every time there's a job coming. At least that's the theory. I don't use this feature myself, as it will usually fail if Gengo RSS function is disabled or stuck.
I use a Google Apps script to send SMS to my cellphone everytime I receive Gengo job notification in my Gmail.
thanks a lot for the information anthony and selvi. Your information really helps me. thank you :)
@Nerissa, you're welcome.
@Ardi, spend some time to get familiar with the site, you'll find the answer. A translator is a resourceful person.
And in the future, please post a new thread instead of asking unrelated things that do not contribute to this discussion.
@Ardi, thanks for your interest in working with Gengo! You access our translation tests from our tests page, but unfortunately we're not accepting applications for English to Indonesia right now. You can read more about this here: https://support.gengo.com/entries/23764762-Why-isn-t-my-language-pair-available-
@ivmint, while I agree translators should be resourceful and a new thread may have been more appropriate for Ardi's question, I think our community should be a place where everyone feels welcome and we help each other. What do you think?
@Natalia, I agree on being more welcoming and helping each other, if the information isn't here, I would help him in a heartbeat like I did in other threads. But I don't think we should encourage people to take things for granted.
@ivmint, thanks for the reply. Maybe even brief instructions for how to find the info could have done the trick. Anyway, I do appreciate the helpfulness you've demonstrated on other occasions as well as your honest feedback. Thanks again!
@Natalia, you're right, and I guess I can tone down my wording as well.
Awesome, thanks ivmint! :)