Greetings my dear collegues,

I'm a rookie at Gengo and in the business of translation itself (doing En>Ger translations only so far), so this is my first post here, too. I've tried to find an answer to this question here in the forum already, or outlined somewhere else on the Gengo website, but didn't succeed. Anyway, I'm sorry if the question was raised here already or there is an answer somewhere in the manuals, but I really couldn't find anything.

Anyhow, so, we are getting these reviews by the senior translators, giving us scores based on the quality of our work. I think this is quite nice for self-assesement actually, but I would find it even more helpful if I could also know which job exactly was reviewed. The review related emails I've received so far always have contained a link and a jobnumber (the jobnumber actually containing the hyperlink), which look like "Job#XXXXXXXX has been reviewed etc.". I guess you are all familiar with it. But if I click on the link, it only brings me to the dashboard, and if I try to check the jobnumber from the email with the numbers of the collections I've worked on (whether completed or reviewable), it doesn't match! So, is there a way to actually know which jobs are being reviewed? I would find it most helpful to know, because besides assigning a score, the senior translators also sometimes attach some comments about the translation, errors, advice and so on. For example, in my last review I've got 10 out of 10 points, but also a comment about trying to avoid repetitions of some words in one and the same sentence. Now I would really like to look at what was referred to! Can anyone help me out?


Also, while I'm at it, just in case someone drops by who knows something about this too (but this is not an important matter), are there any positive consequences for you from receiving high review scores? I mean, I know that you can disqualify yourself from further jobs by underperforming, but does a good score give you, I don't know .... more jobs or something?


And also, again, just in case someone might drop by who has some information about that too, is there any chance of Rus>Ger tests (and jobs, respectively) being available one day?


Anyway, thanks everyone for reading (and, in advance, for responding).


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    Francisco Paulo Francischini

    Hello  @volgar93

    I started with Gengo last month port=>eng, and so far I have the same problem finding the job that has been reviewed by the senior translators. The link they send doesn't help, and it seems that the job number doesn't match the jobs I've worked on. I hope someone can help us.

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    carla m.

    Hi @volgar93,

    I don't have an explanation for this, other than it seems to be related to the new workbench. I noticed though that you can see two numbers for the jobs.

    If you open one of your jobs (reviewable or completed) you will see one number when you click on the second symbol on the dark top bar of the workbench (it says "collection info" when you go over it with the cursor), and another number - which should be the same you see in the email - when you click on the third symbol ("Job info & comments"). If your list of jobs is not huge it is worth going through all af them,  you should be able to find the one that was reviewed. I was able to find a couple of reviewed jobs this way.

    Hope this helps :-)


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    Francisco Paulo Francischini

    Hi @Carla and @volgar93,

    I've figured out that Gengo works with two different kinds of #numbers, the Collection number and the Job number, but we can't see the job number, or even do a search for it, on the dashboard directly, in order to see a specific job number, you have to open all your collections, and that's too much trouble when you have worked on many collections. I hope Gengo will find an easier way to show us the jobs that have been reviewed.


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    Hi Francisco!

    The link used to take you directly to the reviewed job, but there´s a bug causing the link to not match to the job number since the new workbench was launched.

    I myself have had two jobs reviewed that I couldn't find because the link didn't match. I emailed support (support@gengo.com) about it and they immediately provided the correct link so I could see what those jobs were. This is the best thing that you can do until the bug is fixed.

    Hope this helps!


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    carla m.
    You are right, Francisco. A search through dozens of jobs would drive us nuts...In fact I suggested this search only if the list of jobs is not too long I agree that there should be an easiest way for us to go back to a job and see what the ST is referring to in his/her comments.
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    Ah, thank you, this helped me to find the job in question. Although, yes, I second the concernes of the other posters that this is quite unhandy. Thanks everyone for responding.

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    Francisco Paulo Francischini

    Hi Lara,

    Thanks for your explanation about the bug in the new version of the workbench, you are always such a helpful and friendly person.


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    It seems there is a new bug that makes the workaround mentioned here before impossible too. If I now click on "collection info" (the speech bubble icon) in the workbench, neither jobnumbers nor comments are displayed for me any more (only "Job #" and "Status", wihout further information). This occurs only for "completed jobs", though. I don't know whether I'm the only one with this bug.

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    Hello @volgar93,

    I have been experiencing the same things that you described. As a solution, when I click the speech bubble icon in the area of source text and located just above a numeral, the all of the information will appear.

    I hope it helps.


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    Thank you very much @ikoeriha. :)

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    Megan Waters


    We will be deploying a solution for this issue very, very soon that will help you be able to find a specific Job ID in a collection :) Keep your eyes peeled!

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    Still no solution to this problem :(

    Also, volgar93 asked:

    "are there any positive consequences for you from receiving high review scores? I mean, I know that you can disqualify yourself from further jobs by underperforming, but does a good score give you, I don't know .... more jobs or something?"

    If I understood correctly, a higher quality score means that more jobs are available to you. For instance, if your score is 7.3, none of the PRO or ULTRA tasks will be available to you; if your score is 8.4, PRO tasks will be available, but ULTRA won't, and so on. You may want to check out this: https://support.gengo.com/entries/22004074-Quality-Expectations-Job-review-process and this: http://gengo.com/wp-content/themes/gengo/images/quality-policy/translation-levels-table.png.

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    I've received two reviews today and the links to the jobs that were reviewed are correct, so I guess the problem has been solved :)

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    Yes, for me it works again as well. Thanks Gengo, for paying attention to the issue.

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    I've also been finding it hard to identify which job is being referred to. When I click on the job number in the review mail, I still just get taken to the login page, and I have also found that the numbers in the job reviews and in my completed jobs do not match. I also find this frustrating, since I would like to learn from the reviewer's comments.

    I wonder whether it would be possible to identify the job in question not simply by a number, but also by the first line or two of the translation, as is the case for jobs available. This would be more likely to jog my memory when I get a review. A suggestion for when the system is next upgraded...

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    I remember the links were broken right after they changed job numbers and introduced the name "collection" for the jobs, but the links in the last review emails I got worked, although they all were single jobs on the workbench. Maybe it depends on the type of job (single job/collection/file based)?

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    It's a shame nobody from Gengo staff has answered to this, and its even worse that they still have not developed a way to solve this issue. Please try the following and let me know if it works.

    The email with the review qualification says something like: "Job #23843098 has been checked by a Senior Translator, as part of our regular job review process."

    But, if you click on the link and the job belongs to a collection, you are not redirected to that job, but to the whole collection, e.g.:  https://gengo.com/t/workbench/16152006#/

    In that page, go all the way down to the bottom of the page to load the next page of jobs in the collection. Repeat until there are no more jobs left and all of them are loaded in the same page. It's easier if you use the "End" key on your keyboard repeteadly.

    Now paste the following in the address bar of the browser, changing 23843098 for the ID of the reviewed job you want to find:


    And now scroll through the page. The desired job will be inside a red box now, not a white one like the rest of the jobs, and you should be able to see it easily.

    Hope it helps.

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    @juan.garcia.heredero - Great suggestion! Just 2 remarks.

    -1- I find it hard to read the black text on the red background. I modified your suggestion to


    for a grey background.

    -2- Another way to find the job is to extend the url of the collection with #/job-12345678 (replace 12345678 by the job id). In your example, it would be


    This is slightly easier to do. However, it only shows the isolated job so you won't see the context.

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    Thanks Alexander, yours is a great way! In fact I think Gengo should be able to send their emails with that tiny change in no time.

    Well, then I suggest people first try to paste the URL with the job ID, and if they feel they need more context they can try the other way. Although they could directly look for some of the job's contents (Ctrl+F), now that they know what they are!

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    Sure Gengo can put this in. I copied this from their emails back in the good old days when the link wasn't broken, just in case I would need it later on :-)

    The latest email I can find where the link worked was dated January 19th, 2016. In my next review, February 24th, it was broken.

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    Lara Fernandez

    Hi everybody!

    I would like to inform you all that, as of today, the issue of broken links for reviewed jobs has been fixed.

    The next time that you receive a "Job Reviewed" email, the link should take you directly to the specific job that was reviewed within a collection.



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    Good news Lara, thanks!

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