Dear all,
How are you doing? I hope you are all fine. So, I gathered some English expressions that couldn't be translated literally, some of them could be found online using urban dictionary for instance, and some others are new to us. So, let's make this topic about sharing new expressions that we meet by search or by accident, and providing the equivalent Arabic meaning for them.
Shall we start....
How do you translate the following ?
1- "I'm broke"
2- "On the go"
3-"Your part of this world"
4-"Hit the sack"
Ok, that's only for a start. Waiting for some replies from you soon.
Note: All Arabic translators are invited.
Great idea, Mohamed. Thanks for bringing it up. This sounds really like a cool way to learn while having fun.
For your expressions I'd say:
1) أنا مُفلس
2) أثناء الإنتقال
3) وطنك
4) اذهب للنوم
It's my turn now
1) The hotel staff couldn't do better
2) 3 tablespoons of powdered Marjoram
3) Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!
The first expression was a typical sentence in all batches of Tripadvisor project, and I'd really like to see how would you improvise a local Egyptian or Arabic equivalence
The second expression involve the cultural differences between those who use the classic British measurement system which is outdated in Egyptian/Arabic cuisines.
And the third one is just for fun :)
1) موظفو الفندق لم يكونوا في المستوى المطلوب or العاملين بالفندق لم يستطيعوا أن يقدموا خدمة أفضل
2) ملاعق كبيرة من من مسحوق البردقوش3 literal translation :D
3) ok, I like fun, and I want all Arabic translators to share with us.
1) See this (
I guessed from context that "couldn't do better" should be translated into something like: "لا يُعلى عليه"، "أفضل ما يمكن أن يكون"
2) I see that you picked the word "بردقوش" which is far more popular than the official translation "مردقوش". I did that too on the job.
What about (3), you missed it! How would you translate it into Arabic?!!
Hi Maak,
Yes you are right, but you said "couldn't do better" not "couldn't be better" man!!
and concerning "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!" It's very funny as you said :D and if there is an Arabic translation for the word, I wouldn't even try to know it :)
I think what is meant by 'The hotel staff couldn't do better' is something like: كانت الخدمات التي قدموها موظفو الفندق من الدرجة الاولى
yes, I think you are right, It's like as you said or also it may be الخدمات التي قدمها عاملي الفندق كانت أفضل ما يكون
thanks for participating with us in this topic
Welcome on board jgcgill,
You are right. Have you been working on the Tripadvisor project, too? That sentence was repeated almost in every group job!
Why don't you tell us more about yourself here (!
It's always nice to see new gengo faces around :)
Also, I was thinking about the correct translation for 'on the go'. I think what is meant is something like: مشغول جدا or possibly يعمل بقدر كبير من النشاط
Well, as equivalent to "While moving/commuting" I believe that "On the go" should be translated into something like:"أثناء الإنتقال" or "على الطريق"
The man in the attached photo is having his breakfast on the go = الرجل الذي في الصورة المرفقة يتناول إفطاره على الطريق
During your stay in Egypt haven't you come across any of "On the Run" stations?!
On The Go.jpg
Haha, my time in Egypt was quite a while clue being that my birth certificate bears the seal of King Farouk! You're right, though...I forgot about that meaning for 'on the go', which is probably the intended one...but there is another meaning, e.g., 'That guy is always on the go'...i.e., he's a very busy fellow. And thank you, Maak, for your encouraging comments. Also a question: will the pro-level translator's exam ever be offered again?
You're welcome Gib.
And regarding the pro-level translator's exam, I believe up till now each account is entitled for only three attempts, I'm sorry :(
first i think you putting the word Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious here is so funny ....well in english it's a world that used as a nonsense word by children to express approval or to represent the longest word in English. but when it comes to translate it to arabic ...well's quite difficult , but i will give it a shot :)
أعتقد أن الترجمة قد تختلف حسب السياق و الحركة المصاحبة لها
"فمثلا و جائت في جملة تعجب تترجم "رهيب
وقد تترجم "هراء" أو "كلام فارغ" في سياق آخر
can i ask you some thing ?.
the results of my standar test is getting too late. so i'm still waiting here
am i in or or out ? :( please answer
I don't know if there are any Arabic transistors left on these forums but I'll give the above phrases a shot:
1. On the go (my translations - on the move, actively going).
١. ذاهباً ؛ رائحاً
2. The hotel staff couldn't do better.
٢. لم يقدر موظفو الفندق أن يقوموا أحسن
3. 3 tablespoons of powdered Marjoram
٣. ٣ ملاعق كبيرة من المردقوش المسحوق
4. I'm broke (I agree with some of you).
٤. أنا مفلس
5. Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!
!٥. سوبركاليفراجِلئِستِكأَكسبيأَلادُشُص