We'd like to update our Translation Resources page with resources nominated and voted for by YOU!
Please add your favorite online directory or if it's already here give it a thumbs-up! If you have time, please include a brief explanation of why it's great.
Can anyone beat Proz?
Proz is great place to be listed. Any professional translator should be a member of at least one professional translators association. My membership with the ATA has been paid back several times over from clients who have found me in their online directory.
Proz is the best but I also met great clients at TranslatorsCafe as well.
Proz of course, TranslatorsCafe can also be good. I get more luck from my local chapter of the ATA than from the ATA listing itself. Clients who have no clue what goes into translation or how much it costs tend to look at the ATA first.
I like this: http://www.translator.jp/