We'd like to update our Translation Resources page with resources nominated and voted for by YOU! Please add your favorite resource or if it's already there give it a thumbs-up!
To get the ball rolling - my favorite blog is Mox's Blog! :)
We'd like to update our Translation Resources page with resources nominated and voted for by YOU! Please add your favorite resource or if it's already there give it a thumbs-up!
To get the ball rolling - my favorite blog is Mox's Blog! :)
I'm with you on Mox - the only other Translator blog I have on my browser bar is Inglisc Mèd Een Eetaly - specific for Italian to English!
Mox's blog is great!
Some of the many good blogs for freelance translators are: Thoughts on Translation by Corinne McKay: http://www.thoughtsontranslation.com, Bunch Translate http://www.bunch-translate.com, Catherine Translates http://www.catherinetranslates.com, Musings from an Overworked Translator http://translationmusings.com, Fidus Interpres http://fidusinterpres.com (mostly in Portuguese, but sometimes he posts in English), Naked Translations http://www.nakedtranslations.com/en/blog, Translation Times http://translationtimes.blogspot.com