Gengo is a first-come, first-served platform. How it works: whenever a customer places an order, it becomes available to all eligible translators at the same time and whoever picks up the job first gets to work on the translation. As a result, most jobs get picked up quickly and don't usually linger long on the dashboard.
If you are only checking your dashboard occasionally throughout the day, it's normal for you not to see jobs. To see a job, you would have to load your dashboard at the exact same moment or right after a customer places an order. We understand that not everybody has the time to sit in front of their computer continuously refreshing their dashboard, and this is why we recommend the use of RSS feed readers, which can check for you and send you timely notifications when they detect new jobs – even if you're busy with other tasks!
If you're new to this: An RSS feed reader is a tool that will check your dashboard for you and send you a notification whenever it detects a new available job.
1) Different types of RSS feed readers
There are different types of RSS feed readers, including apps, browser extensions, and web-based readers. Apps and browser-extensions may require you to install software on your computer or browser to use the reader. Web-based readers, on the other hand, don't require you to install anything on your computer, but you should remember to keep them open in a tab on your browser at all times when you want them to check for jobs.
2) Choose your RSS feed reader
Here are a few that our translators recommend:
Web-based free RSS feed readers:
- RumpelstiltskinRSS
- For instructions on how to get started, please refer directly to RumpelstiltskinRSS.
Browser extensions/applications:
- RSS Feed Reader for Chrome (
- The free version of Feeder only allows a minimum interval of 2 hrs. While they also offer a dedicated Gengo Power-up with custom filters and lower intervals, please note that this is a paid feature, and using it is completely optional. Gengo does not require our translators to use paid tools in order to gain access to jobs, and we recommend that you do what is best for you. This may mean getting started with a free tool first. and Gengo does not require you to subscribe.
- Slick RSS for Chrome
- Easy RSS for Firefox
Please feel free to browse the web for other free, low-interval RSS Feed Readers, and feel free to recommend your favorite to your peers in our Community Forums.
Disclaimer: RSS feed readers are third party tools and are not developed or maintained by Gengo.
3) Setting up your RSS Feed Reader
- Installing your RSS Feed Reader: The installation processes for browser extensions and applications are very similar. In the case of browser extensions, you will need to add the extension to your browser before you can proceed to set up your RSS feed reader. In the case of applications, you will need to download an .exe file, and install it on your computer. For web-based RSS feed readers, please create an account on their platform as required.
- Configuring your RSS Feed Reader: The most important part when setting up your RSS feed reader is getting the feed link right. Your feed URL is unique to your translator dashboard, and will provide notifications only for the jobs that you're qualified to take. Here's how to find your own, unique RSS feed URL:
- Head over to your Translator Dashboard (log in to your translator account)
- Right click on the orange “RSS” button (on your dashboard) and click “Copy link address.”
- In your RSS Feed Reader settings, enter this link as the "site" or "feed URL" that you want the reader to check.
- Intervals: This is the time interval that you want your reader to check at. The lower it is, the more chances your reader has of detecting a job and generating a notification for you in a timely manner.
4) You’re all set – happy translating!
I am receiving notifications for jobs in a language pair other than the one that I translate in, why is this? How do I fix this?
This is an indicator that you're using an incorrect feed link. If you've selected a feed link from a dropdown menu within the RSS feed reader you're using, or have grabbed your link from anywhere else, chances are you are receiving notifications for another translator's feed. Your RSS feed link is unique, and can only be found in your own translator dashboard, upon logging in to your Gengo account. If you're not sure where it is, please refer to the instructions above. For technical assistance, please email
IMPORTANT: Gengo’s caching feature allows RSS feed readers to place one (1) request per 60 seconds maximum. Requests beyond these limits will be denied.
Please make sure that your RSS feed reader complies with the limits established, and do not use bots or automated solutions to accept collections. Users who consistently abuse the Gengo site, whether excessively refreshing, using a bot, or other automated solutions, risk demotion or suspension.