What is it?

  • Customers can use their own glossaries when ordering translations in order to maintain consistent terminology and brand voice across all their translations.

How is it created?

  • Our Glossary Term-matching feature is created in Excel documents and uploaded by a member of our Support Team. 

How does it work?

  • Once a glossary term is in a customer's account, they can submit jobs that contain terms within their glossaries knowing that the translator who picks up the job will utilize the glossary.
  • For translators, text jobs with glossaries will appear with the glossary terms highlighted in green in the source text. You can see a list of corresponding translations by opening the glossary matches panel (click on the lightbulb icon at the top).



Click on the highlight to insert the corresponding glossary match translation into the target at the position where your cursor rests.


If your completed translation doesn't contain the suggested glossary terms, it will get marked as cautions and you will see a yellow warning sign on the top right corner of the job.

Terms with cautions are highlighted in yellow in the source text, and clicking on the yellow warning sign will also show you what the issue is. You should check again before submitting. If you're certain that you've used the correct terms, you can still submit the translation.


Our glossaries now have the ability to handle multiple target words per source word, which, when enabled by the customer, will allow you to choose the most suitable term depending on the context. In the example below, the glossary shows two possible target words in Spanish for the English word “pendant”: “colgante” and “lámpara de techo”.


Customers can now also add glossary definitions or notes for clarification on some terms. When used, you will see a "?" icon on the right of the glossary terms.


Clicking on the "?" icon will show a balloon with the note or definition. 




The system won't automatically detect where glossary terms haven't been used for file jobs, so please check your translation carefully to make sure all translated terms match those listed in the customer's glossary.

Contact Support

Please contact our support team (support@gengo.com) if you have any questions.

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