Each available job has a deadline—how much time you will have to complete the job. Make sure you check the deadline of a collection before you start working on it, and only accept it if you will be able to complete it by the given time.


If you start a translation but foresee that you will not be able to complete it on time, decline it as early as possible so that it can be completed by another translator without causing delays to the customer.


In this article you'll learn all you need to know to always submit your work on time, and to keep customers happy!




Where can I see the deadline of a job?


On text jobs (workbench), you can see the deadline at the top and bottom of the screen:




On file jobs, you will see the deadline under the comment area:




After starting a job, no other translator can see or work on it. By starting and not working on a job, you will be holding up the system. Starting work straight away is one of the conditions in the Translator Agreement (please see the 3.d) section, "Do not lock off jobs").


Once you have started working on a job, please keep an eye on your remaining time. 



What happens if I exceed the deadline?


As detailed in your Translator Agreement, if you don't finish your translation within the allocated time, the Collection will expire and you won't be able to submit or work on it. This also means you won't get paid.


If you are working on a Collection with multiple jobs, you won't be able to submit only a selection of jobs. To submit your translations, you will be required to complete all the jobs in the Collection.


If you miss the deadline, the whole Collection will become available for other translators to complete.



Revision requests and comments from the customer


After submitting a job keep an eye on your email inbox during the next 120 hours (5 days)—the amount of time customers have to review the job before it's automatically approved. Be prepared to respond to any comments or revision requests from the customer.


If a customer requests corrections during this period, you will have 24 hours to upload a corrected version. If you don't upload a revised translation within 24 hours, your translation will expire and the job will be reopened to other translators.


You can read more about this here.



Can I decline a Collection?


Halfway through translating a job, you may discover you don't know enough about the subject, there is something wrong with the source text or you encounter a technical problem that means you're unable to finish your translation. 


In these cases, please decline the Collection as soon as possible. To decline a Collection, click on the small arrow in the “Submit” button, then “Decline Collection.” You will see the following pop-up, where you can choose the reason for declining:




Please note that if you decline a Collection, you will be declining ALL the jobs it contains, and you will not receive compensation for any jobs you may have translated. 


If you are working on a Collection with multiple jobs, you won't be able to submit only a selection of jobs and decline the rest. You will be required to either submit or decline all the jobs in the entire Collection.



Is there a penalty if I decline a Collection?


There is no penalty for declining a Collection once in a while. When weighing the decision to cancel a job, please remember your commitment to use careful judgment and work in the best interest of Gengo (as per the Translator Agreement). Continually canceling jobs without good reason is classified as behavior that causes disruption to our service or system, which is grounds for termination.



I need a few extra minutes to finish my translation. What do I do?


If you're working on a job, the deadline is nearing and you have a reason why you might need an extension, please contact support@gengo.com immediately. Under extenuating circumstances, and with enough notice, we may be able to provide a small deadline extension on a case-by-case basis. We'll only be able to help before the collection's deadline and if you can provide a valid reason.


Please don't assume that we will grant the extension (we might not read your message in time) and try by all means to submit your translation before the deadline, not letting the job expire. However, you should never submit an incomplete translation.



How much extra time can I get?


If provided, the extension request will not exceed 50% of the original allotted time, up to a maximum of 48 hours. So, for example, if the original allotted time is 8 hours, you may receive up to 4 hours of extra time. And if the original allotted time is 7 days, a maximum of 2 extra days can be added.



Extension request limitations


Gengo Support will always try to help you if you ever face a difficult situation with a customer. In the same way, however, we have a responsibility to help customers as well and ensure that their orders don't get held up longer than necessary. If we notice you are submitting excessive extension requests (more than 4 times per month) or requests without a valid reason, we reserve the right to reject your request.


Gengo is able to provide you with translation jobs because customers love the speed and quality our translators work hard to achieve. We are always open to improving, so please let us know if you feel there is a problem preventing you from meeting deadlines.


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