Creating your Gengo account

You can sign up for a new Gengo account here.

Please select "Customer" from the drop-down menu, read Gengo's Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy and agree by clicking the box, and enter your e-mail address and password.

When you click the orange button labelled "Create new Gengo account" you will be redirected to the screen below.

You will receive an email from with the subject "Activate your Gengo account" (please check your spam folder if you can't find it). Just click the orange button that says "Activate Account" and that's all!

*If you did not request to create a new account but received this email, please contact support.


Setting your timezone

When you create a new Gengo account, your timezone will be set to UTC (Universal Time Coordinated) by default. This means everything on your dashboard (i.e. when your job was picked up, when your translation was completed, when you received a comment, etc.) will be displayed in UTC time. 

To customize your timezone to match your location, go to your Account settings page and click the Change button under Your timezone. You can then select from a list of timezones.

How do I change my email address?

You can change your email address from your Account settings page. 


How do I reset my password?

There are a couple of ways to reset your password:

1) If you've forgotten your password, go to the Gengo homepage and click sign in on the upper right side of the screen.

Once you get to the log in page, click "Forgot your password?," enter your email address, and a password reset link will be emailed to you. Click on the link in the email to reset your password.


2) If you know your password, go to your Profile & Preferences page. Click the "change" button beneath Password. Enter your old password, your new password, then click "update." And you're all set!

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