You placed an order but can't locate it? In many cases that might indicate that the order wasn't completed.

How to identify if your order wasn't completed:

1) You didn't receive a "Order received" email from Gengo.
         (Perhaps you received one from PayPal, but not Gengo)


2) Your order doesn't appear on your Customer dashboard, but you see an account balance on the upper right.



How to complete your order:

In this case, to complete your order you will need to go back to the order form. Your text and order details should still be there in incomplete status, so you just need to go to the last step and click the red "Confirm Order & Pay" button. Don't worry, since your account has credits now, you will not have to do the payment step this time.


*In some cases, your order may not be in the order form anymore, so you may need to upload your text and order details again.

After this, you should be redirected to a confirmation screen like the one below, and you will receive a confirmation email from Gengo.



Once your order is complete, it will appear on your dashboard as follows:

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