How does the Gengo API work?

Ordering through the Gengo API works similarly to ordering through our website. You request a job through our system, our translators work on it, and once done you retrieve the job via the API.

For more information about the general flow of the API, please check out the API visual guide.


Why use the API?

The API offers a better level of control over your orders, especially for high-volume as it was designed with that in mind. If you need a simple translation, we recommend that you use our online order form instead.

Need more information? You can find our Developers page here.

You can also jump straight on to our API documentation.


Where can I get API keys? Can you give me one?

API keys are generated automatically upon account creation. To obtain your keys, simply create a Gengo account.

For Sandbox:

1. Create a sandbox account here:

2. Find your API keys here:

3. Play with our sandbox!


For live API:

1. Sign up for a live Gengo account here:

2. Find your keys on your account settings page here:

3. Don't forget to point the base call URL to our live environment:

4. Deploy!


How do I get more credits on production?

You can add credits in varying denominations through our Top Up page.


Is there a way to pay as I order through the API?

We do not support this at this time but we are exploring other options. In the meantime, please use the Top Up page to add credits.


I didn’t receive any callbacks. Is there a way for me to resend them from my end?

There's currently no way to resend the callbacks manually from your end like in the sandbox environment. If you need the callbacks to fire again, we can do so manually. Simply email us at and provide us the job ID you needed the callbacks for.

Alternatively, you can poll for the jobs yourself, saving you a great deal of time. The simplest way to do this is through a GET request. You can find more information about this here.


Why am I getting an “authentication failed” error?

The first step is to make sure your keys are correct. You can view them on your account settings page.

The second step is to make sure you’re also calling the right API. If you have previously worked on our sandbox environment, you might still be calling it using your live keys. To remedy this, simply change the base call URL from sandbox ( to live (


What does error X mean?

We have a list of error codes that you can potentially get on our API documentation. You can find them here.

Have a question that isn't answered here? Feel free to open a support ticket and ask us through and we'd be happy to help.

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