"So, how is it possible that during such an adverse period, a handful of people have maintained such a steady output and sometimes even boosted it?Do they experience a state of Gengo-serendipity that has no precedent?
Or maybe your system has just a flaw and someone is exploiting it."
这边也是同样的情况,不管是 RSS 通知的还是刷页面刷出来的,大部分都是点了直接卡住,然后被强制登出,要不就是连 Collection Unavailable 都不显示直接跳转 Dashboard。怀疑是不是有人开外挂抢单,导致服务器过载。
你应该不是唯一一个有这种想法的人 ;-)
"So, how is it possible that during such an adverse period, a handful of people have maintained such a steady output and sometimes even boosted it?Do they experience a state of Gengo-serendipity that has no precedent?
Or maybe your system has just a flaw and someone is exploiting it."
Source: https://support.gengo.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/6837403368211-Doing-some-maths
不管是外挂还是利用漏洞,感觉 Gengo 根本不在乎不正当抢单的行为。就算是在乎可能也查不出来,毕竟技术团队的水平就摆在那, 502,504 报错的问题存在这么多年都没修好过,以前都是偶发,一个月前是一个客户一次性放几十上百的工作会跳 504,最近几天成了随时随地 504,Community 里那么多人递了 ticket 要求修复,不仅不见好,服务器问题反而越来越严重。我差不多 10 天前递的 ticket,客服至今也没给出有用的回应,连问题的原因都没找到。