从去年开始,因为一个新加入的不靠谱的审核员(我感觉是新加入的,没有求证),我的分数从9点几分降到了7点几,现在勉强8.2分,好几个月都闲得要死。看Gengo发来的邮件,说 Last week, your language pair received 1,021,759 units of work。这100万单词里,我估计只做了1000单词。现在没办法糊口了。大家有没有类似情况?
Hi all, I'm a bit late responding to this one, but doker is right - there have been some system issues that have been causing abnormally high unit counts to appear in the 'Weekly overview' emails for quite a few language pairs. We're aware of the issue and trying to work on preventing a similar situation from happening again.
Thanks to everyone who wrote in with helpful comments, and apologies for all the confusion caused.
Hi all, I'm a bit late responding to this one, but doker is right - there have been some system issues that have been causing abnormally high unit counts to appear in the 'Weekly overview' emails for quite a few language pairs. We're aware of the issue and trying to work on preventing a similar situation from happening again.
Thanks to everyone who wrote in with helpful comments, and apologies for all the confusion caused.
啊确实 上周总共就接了10几刀 今天一看100w吓死
应该是给了Preferred Translator了吧。据我观察,以前是客户选择自己的PT,现在可能平台先行为一些工作已经选好PT了。工作量从去年就有大幅下滑,原本比较活跃的译员现在也不怎么看到了。
There was the same bug in the En-Ru pair.