Hi Fei, thanks for raising this question, and I hope you won't mind me responding in English.
If you have doubts about an error that has been marked in a GoCheck review, you are welcome to write to the Quality team at quality@gengo.com and somebody will be able to look into this for you.
I hope this helps.
Katrina (Gengo Community Experience Associate)
Thanks Katrina for the quick response. I will raise the question to the quality team as mentioned in your message.
Ask the great gods, should I keep the comma in the thousandth place when the number is translated into Chinese? The original English is 5,700. I translated it into 5,700 square feet. I removed the comma. The reviewer said it was a moderate error. When do I want to use commas to separate numbers in Chinese?
@Fei, 是不是不用加逗号啦?
Katrina Paterson
Hi everyone,
Fei - thanks for the update. I'm happy to hear that your appeal was successful and that the points were reinstated (if I understood correctly; please let me know if I didn't).
For the benefit of everyone else who might be following this thread - the Chinese style guide has some suggestions about working with different types of numbers in Chinese and English, which might be helpful. There's also a useful support article here which talks about what to do if you'd like to dispute a review that you've received.
If any of the information in these resources seems unclear, please do let us know, either on this thread or at katrina.paterson@lionbridge.com, and we can see whether we can update it.
Thanks to everyone who has contributed to the discussion and shared ideas and resources. If you'd like to keep chatting, feel free to switch back to Chinese : )
Hi Fei, thanks for raising this question, and I hope you won't mind me responding in English.
If you have doubts about an error that has been marked in a GoCheck review, you are welcome to write to the Quality team at quality@gengo.com and somebody will be able to look into this for you.
I hope this helps.
Katrina (Gengo Community Experience Associate)
Thanks Katrina for the quick response. I will raise the question to the quality team as mentioned in your message.
No problem, Fei. I'm happy I was able to help.
要分的。实际上,在中国大陆,官方在标准中只认可长级差制与空格分位,也即写成 1 2345 6789.01 这般。
但在实践中,各类出版物等无一不才用短级差制,并且有的用半角逗号,有的仍保留用空格,也即写成 123,456,789.01 或 123 456 789.01 这般。虽然后面这种说实话完全没有道理可讲。
而根据 Gengo 的风格指南,采用短级差制并以半角逗号分隔是唯一规范的写法(也即 123,456,789.01 这般)。
出版物上数字用法 GB/T15835-2011中说,四位以上的数字要用千分撇或千分空隔开,四位以内的整数可以不分节。
非常感谢 Ch'ü Tsê-t'ien 和 comacoma 的指点,涨知识了。我翻译的是一个私人的租房合同,虽然我对 LS 把这个判定为中度错误比较不认同,但我更想弄清楚明确的概念,有利于以后的翻译不再出错。
comacoma: 我读了你给的两个链接,说是四位以内的整数可以不分节。那么我的例子是 5649 sf,我理解这是四位以内的整数,是可以不分节的,对吗?
Ch'ü Tsê-t'ien:关于 Gengo 自己的风格指南,它的原文是“对于财务、统计、货币等数字,如数字为千位以上,应添加千分符号。”,既然它特别指出“财务、统计、货币”,我的理解是除了这三项,其他数字是可以不分节。另外,在货币一项中,还专门给了个示例,下面的例子里,用US$1,000 或 1000 美元都可以,它这里的”1000 美元“也没有用分隔。这个指南也是挺迷惑的。
Gengo 的译审通常非常严格,因此这个错误给个中度以我既往的经验来看很正常。建议适应。而且笔译这行毕竟就靠这极其严苛的精准度来保留一点尊严了,因此我也支持审查严格一点。
另善意提醒:我说 Gengo 的译审极为严格,严格到什么地步呢?到了几乎在译文中一用被字句就会被划出的地步。按常理来说,我们的行文能够永远避开被字句吗?但在 Gengo 上,还是要谨慎小心。
Ask the great gods, should I keep the comma in the thousandth place when the number is translated into Chinese? The original English is 5,700. I translated it into 5,700 square feet. I removed the comma. The reviewer said it was a moderate error. When do I want to use commas to separate numbers in Chinese?
@Fei, 是不是不用加逗号啦?
Hi everyone,
Fei - thanks for the update. I'm happy to hear that your appeal was successful and that the points were reinstated (if I understood correctly; please let me know if I didn't).
For the benefit of everyone else who might be following this thread - the Chinese style guide has some suggestions about working with different types of numbers in Chinese and English, which might be helpful. There's also a useful support article here which talks about what to do if you'd like to dispute a review that you've received.
If any of the information in these resources seems unclear, please do let us know, either on this thread or at katrina.paterson@lionbridge.com, and we can see whether we can update it.
Thanks to everyone who has contributed to the discussion and shared ideas and resources. If you'd like to keep chatting, feel free to switch back to Chinese : )
@2471996548 抱歉刚看到你的留言。Gengo 的中文指南更新了,除了财务、统计和货币必须加千分符,其他的可以加也可以不加,但全文要统一。
The plan offers an aggregate of 4,800 housing units catering to an estimated 24,000 people.
该计划提供总计 4800 个住房单元,满足约 24,000人的需求。
嗯,又去看了一眼,好像意思是5 位及以上的数字都要加千分符,只有四位数的部分情况下可加可不加。不知道这个理解对不对。